

What innovation can do to your life

  Innovation is the foundation of new beginnings. It’s a talent that everyone has, yet they think they don’t. With the power of innovation, we can find new products and learn new techniques. If you’ve ever marvelled at somebody’s creative…

Pareto Principle

THE 80 – 20 RULE IN BUSINESS (PARETO PRINCIPLE) The Pareto Principle is named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who in 1906 observed that 80% of Italy’s wealth belonged to only 20% of the population. More generally, the Pareto Principle…

Strategic Advice

As the world’s most dynamic and client oriented consulting firm, VGC is focused on helping you achieve lasting results. Unlike other consulting firms, we understand the complexities of associations and the role global markets and international and domestic policies play. For…

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